WiMLDS Delhi Mentorship Program’21 Week 2

Garima Garg
2 min readApr 13, 2021


Week 2 focused on “technical opportunities”. This included scholarships, open source and internships.

In our second meet, my mentor Swasti Shreya Mishra introduced us to various competitions and solve their archives. She told us to participate in:

  • Google Code Jam I/O for Women 2021 :- Code Jam to I/O for Women is one way we bring women (students and professionals) from around the globe together, working to solve tough algorithmic challenges in a 2.5 hour, single-round coding competition. The top 150 on the scoreboard will receive a ticket and a stipend to participate in virtual Google I/O. https://codingcompetitions.withgoogle.com/codejamio
  • Google Kickstart:- Kick Start is a global online coding competition, consisting of three-hour rounds of a variety of algorithmic challenges designed by Google engineers. Participants can compete in one or all online rounds held throughout the year (top participants may be invited to interview at Google). https://codingcompetitions.withgoogle.com/kickstart
  • Facebook Hackercup:- Hacker Cup is Facebook’s annual open programming competition. Open to participants around the world, for solving problem-solving and algorithmic coding skills to advance through each year’s online rounds, win prizes, and have a chance to make it to the global finals and win the grand prize. https://www.facebook.com/codingcompetitions/hacker-cup/

She guided us about a lot of research internship opportunities. This proved to be beneficial to me as I never looked into this field. She guided us how to write statement of purpose. She advised us to make it as personalized as possible.

Since internship season is approaching, she recommended to solve top interview questions on leetcode. She advised to solve at least 3 questions daily. She suggested to give contests on codechef and codeforces to boost our confidence.

She shared tips for resume and suggested me some changes in my resume. Some tips for resume:

  • Add links to Github, LinkedIn profiles.
  • Write something about your project and add link to its github repository.
  • Stick to one page.
  • Highlight your achievements.
  • Do not lie about anything on your resume.

She advised us not take any setback on our hearts and move on. There are lots of opportunities and just apply for them without the fear of failures.

It is hard to fail but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.

